8h50-9h : Welcome Coffee
9h-9h10: Introduction of the workshop (Philippe Delorme)
1) Lessons from the Solar System
9h10-9h55 : Climate stabilization on Earth: the carbon cycle Hubert Gallée
9h55-10h40 : Geology and internal structure of an Earth sibling: Venus . Sylvain Douté
10h40-11h : Coffee
2) Magnetic fields on Earth-like planets
11h-11h45: Planetary Dynamos. Nathanael Schaeffer
11h45- 12h30 :Melting of geophysical materials under extreme conditions: impact on rocky exoplanets magnetic field generation. Guillaume Morard
12h30-13h30: Repas
3) Climate on other worlds
13h30-14h15: Modelling the climate of telluric exoplanets. Martin Turbet
14h15-15h: The observables from telluric exoplanets. Xavier Delfosse
4) Discussion